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The Don'ts

  • Never give out email address and password to anyone. From time to time in the game, there will be account thieves. These people target lower level or seemingly, inexperienced players. They offer to buy you diamonds and when you give them your information, they steal your account. LP cannot get your account back so then you will have to start all over. Report anyone who approaches you about buying you diamonds to the administrator and let your club president know so they can warn others. This includes LP cheat websites who promise you diamonds. You will only lose your account to a poacher.

  • Don't keep dollars lying around. LP isn't like most games. Here you don't save money for later because other players can challenge you in Fashion Arena and you will lose it. Spend your money on skilling your avatar. What you have left before you sign out donate to the club. This way when you are challenged the other player only wins a minimal amount of money. Large amounts of money won will make you a target for vultures.

  • When voting never use the following: max votes, +++, 3+, full support. Avoid using the word vote altogether. These things can get you banned in the game. Instead, say something like "You look nice today" or "Have a great week."

  • Never post comments that have curse words or pictures that can be construed as pornographic. This will also get you reported and banned.

  • Try not to use practice with money to skill your avatar unless it is absolutely necessary. At lower levels you should avoid this because you will need it when you reach the higher levels.

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