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Battling The Elusive Super Model

There's no easy way to find a Super Model to challenge. I've tried luring them with tic tacs and when that fails diet water but it never seems to help. It is all luck. So when you are lucky enough to find one here is the how to.

Super models are found on the FTV jobs page, below the photo sessions.

Click the start search button to start looking for a model.

A timer will indicate how long the search will take. You can buy bonuses to shorten the length of time it takes to find one and up your chances of doing so in the VIP shop.

While you wait you can be out returning votes or gabbing in chat. You can't participate in a photo session or challenge another opponent while searching.

When the model is ready an icon with an f and two crossed swords will appear on the top of your screen, click it to go to the battle.

Bonuses should be activated before the challenge. Models are hard to beat so I always use three.

Click challenge button to start the arena battle.

You win more money, experience points, and emeralds from a model. They take 2 energy to battle. Battling models is a good way to earn emeralds and extra things during events.

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