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Club Fights

Club fights are an essential part of the game and being in an active club. It is really simple to participate, literally a click of a button!

Click here on participate in attack!!! 

If the box now has the word participants in it then you are signed into the fight and there's nothing more for you to do!!!

If you're still a little unsure you can click on the participants button and a window will open to show you who is signed into the fight. If you have a check by your name then you are in the fight!

Fashion Shows

Fashion shows are a quick and easy way to earn some extra cash and experience points. Most clubs don't require a player to participate in them. (A lot of players don't because they are trying not to level up.)

To get the fashion show click on the picture of the thumbs up/thumbs down below the club tomatoes and eggs box.

There are 50 items that need to be lit up for the fashion show to begin. To figure out what still needs to be activated hover your mouse over an object. If it lights up then click it to activate.

Once you have activated an object a timer will start. You can activate an object every 2 hours. Activating more objects doesn't give you a bigger bonus at the end of the show but it will make it end sooner so you can get it.

Congrats!!! The show is now done. Click on the fashion show  and watch the stage light up!

You've earned 10 experience points and one thousand dollars by participating in the show!

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